Six Lessons Inspired by 2024 DJC Women of Vision Honoree Mariah Kiersey

October 15, 2024

Held annually, the Daily Journal of Commerce (DJC) Women of Vision award recognizes and honors women who are shaping the built environment with their technical skill, leadership, mentoring, community involvement, and creation of opportunities for future generations of women in the industries. 


Nominated by her peers, Senior Principal and Office/Retail/Community Studio Co-Leader Mariah Kiersey was selected by the DJC as an honoree for her contributions to Ankrom Moisan and the greater Portland community. 


Mariah's PDX Closeup


Mariah Kiersey celebrates her recognition as a Woman of Vision in Ankrom Moisan’s Portland office.


The epitome of a strong female leader, Mariah consistently demonstrates exceptional leadership, creativity, and dedication to both her craft and team. According to Murray Jenkins, Vice President of Architecture, “her ability to inspire and guide her team has significantly contributed to our firm’s success and reputation in the industry. She consistently demonstrates a commitment to excellence and a passion for mentoring others.”  


However, Mariah’s contributions to our firm extend beyond her role as Co-Leader of the Office/Retail/Community studio; she is a trusted colleague and an inspiring leader who fosters an environment of innovation and inclusivity. 


Within Ankrom Moisan, Mariah is “one of those rare architects who have an incredible amount of grit,” said Dave Heater, President. “This shows up in how hard she works and how much she cares about doing great work for her clients and helping those on her team learn and grow.”  


One of her many contributions to the firm in this sense are the lessons she imparts – knowingly or unknowingly – to the rest of the firm. Here are six lessons on how to be an employee of vision, inspired by Mariah and her award-winning work ethic. 



1. Get Involved


Mariah is a passionate advocate for community health, often volunteering her time and expertise to support local initiatives aimed at providing essential services to individuals facing mental health challenges. Her work in designing and developing behavioral health facilities reflects her deep understanding of the critical role that well-designed spaces play in supporting mental health and wellbeing. 


Her involvement with the community extends beyond her professional responsibilities, as she consistently engages in various community initiatives and volunteer efforts. For example, she sponsors a local family each year around Christmas, providing the children with gifts and toys.  


It’s through her community involvement that Mariah exemplifies “the qualities of a true leader who is dedicated to making a positive impact both within and beyond her professional sphere,” according to Murray Jenkins. 


“Not only does she have an impressive resume of social and community volunteering,” said Alissa Brandt, Vice President of Interiors, “Mariah is someone that, both as a friend and a colleague, will jump in to assist with anything and everything that needs to be done.” 



2. Help Others Through Collaboration


Mariah’s commitment to collaborating with her counterparts in Interior Design demonstrates her ability to work seamlessly across disciplines to deliver cohesive and comprehensive design solutions. Her collaborative approach has been pivotal in the successful execution of various projects, enhancing the overall quality and coherence of the firm’s work. 


“She will always be there to provide support, guidance, and to honestly jump in and get her hands dirty, taking on any portion of work that needs to be done,” said Alissa Brandt. “Mariah doesn’t ask why. She just asks, ‘How can I help you?’ She treats every ask for help as an opportunity to make us better.” 


Her contributions have not only strengthened Ankrom Moisan’s project portfolio but have also played a crucial role in shaping the firm’s culture and values. Her leadership, vision, and collaborative spirit continue to inspire and drive the success of our organization. 



3. Set Clear Expectations


One of the notable changes Mariah’s led is the implementation of rigorous project management practices. She has established a culture of excellence by setting clear expectations and standards for design delivery. 


“Mariah’s leadership in this area has significantly improved the firm’s project outcomes and client satisfaction,” said Murray Jenkins. “Her meticulous approach ensures that projects are not only completed on time and within budget, but also meet high-quality standards.” 


Through her dedication to high standards and her unwavering support for her colleagues, Mariah’s inspired a culture of excellence and continuous improvement at Ankrom Moisan. 



4. Participate in Mentorship Opportunities


Mariah consistently gives her time to both local charities and young professionals as a mentor. Her contributions have significantly impacted her colleagues, mentees, and the industry as a whole. 


She’s a role model for young professionals in the industry, regularly volunteering her time to provide guidance, support, and professional development opportunities to aspiring architects and designers. She participates in career days, workshops, and mentorship programs, highlighting her commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive industry. 


Her mentorship has helped many individuals navigate their careers and develop their skills, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth within the firm, resulting in herself being seen as a “go to person at all levels of Ankrom Moisan,” according to Rachel Fazio, Vice President of People 


Within the Office/Retail/Community Studio, she mentors her team members, keeping in mind both the mentoring that she got as a young professional, as well as the mentoring that she wishes she received.  


“As a female leader in the firm, Mariah seizes every opportunity to assist emerging professionals, both within the office and beyond,” said Michael Great, Design Director of Architecture. “This dedication is demonstrated by her volunteer work with AFO’s Architects in Schools program and her role as a guest reviewer and contributor at the University of Oregon. She is always willing to share her time and expertise to advance the profession.” 


Through these mentoring and leadership efforts, Mariah continues to shape the future of architecture, fostering an environment of innovation, inclusivity, and excellence. 



5. Don’t Back Down From a Challenge


According to Dave Heater, Mariah became a team leader “at a young age due to her success at managing some of the most challenging projects for the firm.” Embracing this role with enthusiasm and determination, she was able to foster an inclusive and innovative environment within the Office/Retail/Community studio. 


“Mariah has volunteered endlessly at Ankrom Moisan to take on challenges and navigate them back towards success,” said Alissa Brandt. “She steps in to lead teams, clients, and projects.” 


In 2021, during a particularly challenging time when the Healthcare studio leader left the firm, Mariah took on additional responsibility as the interim leader of the Healthcare team. She knew that this was a huge lift and that the team/firm needed a large amount of her time to navigate the transition, but she took the challenge on with grace.  


“Mariah never alluded to the fact that this was an enormous task,” said Alissa Brandt. “She stepped up and took charge, leading with grace and poise, keeping the entire team moving forward. Without her leadership and commitment, we may not have been able to maintain this extremely important studio in our firm.” 


“She consistently goes above and beyond on every project and in every situation,” said Michael Great. “Mariah’s leadership, tenacity, and extensive experience has earned her the respect and admiration of many both inside and outside of Ankrom Moisan. Her unwavering commitment and dedication every day inspires all of us to do better and bring our full selves to every project.” 



6. Hold Yourself and Others Accountable


Mariah’s leadership has had a lasting impact on the firm’s operations and has set a benchmark for future leaders to aspire to. Her ability to hold her project managers accountable has instilled a sense of responsibility and ownership across the team. She encourages open communication and transparency, allowing for proactive problem-solving and continuous improvement. 


This accountability framework has not only enhanced project performance, but also built a culture of trust and mutual respect within the team.  


She’s been instrumental in driving significant changes within the firm, particularly through her rigor in project management and her ability to coach, mentor, and hold her project managers accountable to high standards. 


“She created this accountability revolution well before we had studios,” said Dave Heater. “Mariah began tracking key financial metrics on her own to show her team how they were performing. Her efforts are now being replicated at a firm level.” 


Mariah in the PDX Office


Mariah at the base of the stairs in Ankrom Moisan’s Portland office.


Congratulations, Mariah, on your recognition as one of 2024’s Women of Vision! You are a role model to the firm, embodying how to make deeper connections and be a better person to work with daily.  We are all lucky to call you a coworker.


Employee Spotlight: 2024 Design Champion, Filo Canseco

June 18, 2024
Putting a Piece of Himself in His Work

Recently honored as Ankrom Moisan’s first-ever Design Champion through the new AM Rewards & Recognition program, Filo Canseco goes above and beyond, pushing the boundaries of graphic design by putting part of himself into his work.



Filo’s Design Champion Banner.


Filo became interested in design at an early age. Coming from a creative family, he was naturally attracted to anything related to art and design, often taking up the modes of expression shared with him by his relatives. “My uncle Aaron, who is an illustrator, introduced me to graphite and chalk early on in my childhood. Similarly, my aunts embroidered, so I learned embroidery,” Filo shared. It wasn’t until later that he realized why his family were passing on their creative abilities. “They knew that because of our family’s immigrations status at the time, having recently become naturalized citizens, they had missed their opportunity to pursue the arts. I was the only one who had a chance of pursuing design in college and as a career.”


Interested in animation and the process of making illustrations come to life, Filo applied to The Art Institute of Portland after high school. He wasn’t accepted at the time, which was “devastating,” but something he’s glad about now. Despite not immediately applying to a college design program again, Filo pursued his passion for design wherever he could. “I created business cards and websites for friends’ small businesses, designed posters for friends in bands, and later picked up photography and videography,” he said. Though he was immersed in creating unique one-of-a-kind designs for friends, he felt that his lack of technical knowledge meant he didn’t qualify as a true graphic designer. “I designed my entire brand identity in Photoshop without knowing much about Adobe’s software. It wasn’t until a friend suggested I start charging for my design services that I considered this as a potential career.”


Filo saw his opportunity to follow his dream and practice design and took it. When he returned to higher education nine years later, it was confirmation that a career in graphic design was indeed meant for him. Even though he already had some experience under his belt, learning the ins and outs of design in an academic setting changed his perspective on his process. “I was captivated by the fundamentals of graphic design, graphic design history, hand-lettering, pottery, digital graphic design, and all its multifaceted realms,” Filo said. “We learned design, we learned what the great classical artists were thinking and feeling, then we broke down their designs to be put back together with a little piece of ourselves in there. That was huge for me. I didn’t understand it at the time, but now I feel that change in approach is what keeps me producing innovative work.




Filo at his desk in the Portland office.


When Filo first started at Ankrom Moisan after graduating from Portland State University in 2022, it was during the pandemic, before AM’s offices instated a two day per week in-person requirement. Because of this, Filo only met a handful of people after starting. “I might have seen Juan Conci or Fernando Abba, our Visualization Managers, once or twice,” he recalled. “It was very lonely. There was nobody in the office. Everything was through Teams meetings.”


Looking back, Filo believes that this slow introduction to the world of Ankrom Moisan worked in his favor. “I was fresh and brand new not only to an architecture firm, but also to having a graphic design job. Pandemic distancing and remote work gradually got me into Ankrom Moisan’s firm culture and what my role was.” He feels lucky to have been able to meet people one at a time, as it gave him a better chance to form connections with new coworkers and assimilate to a new industry than if he had met everyone all at once.


Being able to integrate into AM’s work culture at his own pace deeply influenced how Filo takes a project’s design direction and turns it into an effective deliverable that resonates with the company’s culture and wins new projects.



Filo’s design work for the ‘Women Rising’ DEIB campaign


Over the past two years, Filo and his eye for design have grown considerably. He’s grown accustomed to taking the lead on design campaigns, and the responsibility that comes with it, thanks in part to Ankrom Moisan’s unique structure and system of support. “I don’t think I would have grown as fast as I did if Ankrom Moisan’s work culture wasn’t so well established. If I had my first job at a popular downtown design firm, I would have had to go through a lot more hierarchy to get where I am today,” he remarked. “I would have been forced into the box of ‘junior graphic designer,’ and wouldn’t have had the opportunity to grow and realize that I have a lot more capabilities than that.”


Growing into his new capabilities, Filo realized that one of his favorite parts of doing graphic design at Ankrom Moisan is the glowing feedback he often receives after completing a deliverable. “It feels so rewarding to do so much with such a small team,” Filo expressed. “People will come to us and ask what external team we hired, and it’s just like ‘no, we’re just a group of three people taking Ankrom Moisan’s supportive culture and producing this collateral.'” For this reason, the DEIB people-centered campaigns have been a favorite of Filo’s. “These campaigns have really projected me into a space where I can be a graphic designer as well as a creative lead.”




Filo with Emily Lamunyan and Dani Murphy behind the scenes of the AMasterclass DEIB campaign.


When he found out about his recognition as Design Champion, Filo didn’t know how to react. “I didn’t know our president, Dave, would make a video response. I was completely blown away and had to take a moment to really let it sink in,” he said. It was a bit of a surprise. “I found out in a Teams meeting. It was a little awkward finding out and then making my own poster,” he joked. “I guess it had to happen though, since I’m the one doing graphics; there was no way of having somebody else make it.”



Filo’s Design Champion nomination video.


Recognized in his nomination video by President Dave Heater, Vice President Alissa Brandt, Director of Marketing Emily Lamunyan, and Visualization Manager Juan Conci for his willingness to step outside of his comfort zone as well as for his game-changing design work that gives Ankrom Moisan a competitive advantage, Filo shared just how and why his graphic design efforts have had such a big impact on the firm. “Feeling like I can reach out to anyone on the marketing team at any point to get feedback is just golden. I haven’t experienced that with any other job.” Aside from his team’s support, Filo can produce such stellar graphics, putting part of himself into his designs, because of his working process. “My process is about staying curious to ensure the final design is innovative and cutting-edge, not formulaic,” he explained. “I’ve been fortunate to have an innately curious personality. I didn’t realize it until recently, but it’s what helps me out of my comfort zone, allowing me to integrate my lived experience into my designs.”



Filo’s promotional work for the Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebration DEIB campaign.


As one of the first Ankrom Moisan employees to be celebrated through the new Rewards & Recognition program, Filo has high hopes for the future of the program. “I hope and envision that the rewards and recognition program transcends Ankrom Moisan. It’s a great way to show how important and strong our culture is here,” Filo said. “I also hope future champions see the acknowledgement as a milestone and an opportunity to reflect on their career. Being recognized made me step away from work and life and realize how I’ve changed as a professional.


Reflecting on advice for emerging young professionals in the field of graphic design, Filo had this to offer. “You’ve done the hard work when it comes to learning and educating yourself. Now that you’ve graduated, take it slow. Have fun. I know it sounds cheesy since it’s one of our HOWs, but having fun with what we do is super important to creating balance.” He also emphasized that “making mistakes, as well as connections, is ultimately what helps you get to know your team and everyone else at the firm.”


Taking his Design Champion recognition as a chance to look back at his career, Filo reflected on how everything he learned from his family, high school, gap years, and time at PSU has led him to this moment. “Being a graphic designer has always been my goal, but I now see new opportunities to become much more,” he revealed. “I see myself in a role where I can share my experiences – perhaps as a mentor, a supervisor, or a director. Who knows!” Right now, Filo’s focus is on just enjoying his moment. It’s more than deserved.