Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee

Architecture Photo of Providence Reed's Crossing Wellness Center

© Josh Partee


Providence Reed’s Crossing Wellness Center

Integrated and Intuitive

Population health is about more than just treating illness; it’s about keeping people healthy. Our client’s strategy is leading the shift from a traditional fee-for-service healthcare model to a value-based model, where success is measured by how well people stay healthy and avoid getting sick. This vision is embodied in a new healthcare center that integrates clinical services with wellness facilities, creating a space that fosters both healing and prevention. The design combines a community-oriented gym, studio, and spa environment with essential healthcare services like primary care, urgent care, women’s health, pediatrics, imaging, and more. Thoughtfully planned, the open architecture blends these functions into a cohesive, active urban environment. The goal is to create a space where people are empowered to get—and stay—healthy. To bring this vision to life, we began by researching our client’s operations, identifying opportunities to maximize benefits, and designing a flow that seamlessly moves people between different services. Early on, we recognized that simply combining a gym and a primary care clinic wouldn't be enough. A truly integrated design needed selective permeability, overlapping functions, and full integration to benefit both patients and visitors. Our healthcare facility communicates warmth, healing, and approachability through holistic architecture that treats people as more than patients. Visitors entering the V-shaped building at its vertex will immediately understand its integrated functions. Fitness spaces serve as bridges to specialized areas like integrative health, dermatology, physical therapy, and imaging. Clearly defined pathways and semi-permeable barriers will subtly separate public and private functions while allowing a sense of connection—such as between a lap pool and aquatic therapy or between 5K trainers and physical therapy clients. Situated in a dynamic urban context, the facility acts as a community gateway, visible to visitors as they exit the highway. Retail zoning encourages active storefronts, while a bike path supports zero-carbon transportation. Our aim is for this radical new facility to feel like part of Main Street—kinetic, yet relaxing; empowering, yet healing; and unlike anything else in healthcare today.

Pacific Northwest, Oregon
  • 2 stories
  • 108,000 sq. ft.
  • Completed in 2022

Portland Business Journal, Landmark Award, 2023


Wellness , Outpatient

