Inspired by Purpose

At Ankrom Moisan we actively engage in giving time and money to the non-profits who serve the communities in which we reside and design.

We are better when we work together, embracing change and equity. Ankrom Moisan is inclusive of people with diverse interests and passions. We enrich and improve the communities we live in and design. We give time and money to non-profit organizations that serve our communities. We inspire and empower to explore beyond the expected. Leading with heart, caring for each other, and seeking fulfillment to work with purpose to improve our world. Staying curious without pretention, we build on the freedom, integrity and opportunities offered when working together. Working playfully, staying flexible, allowing ideas to evolve, we design places where people and communities thrive. We are inspired to be the best design firm, and the best place to work.

Finding Our Purpose

Dive into the origin of Ankrom Moisan’s mission and vision, our purpose for doing what we do, and the values by which we work with this two-part blog series.


Part One: Ankrom Moisan’s Mission and the Emergence of Our Why



The Why process began in 2018 with a two-day retreat.


Part Two: Defining Our Vision and Values



Collaboration, from all-office meetings to small-group discussions, engaged everyone at our firm with our HOWs and our Why. 

Recapping the 2024 jAM Fundraiser

December 11, 2024


Since 1979, Central City Concern has helped struggling individuals overcome barriers such as lack of affordable housing, health care and living-wage jobs, systemic racism, mental health challenges, chronic health conditions, substance abuse disorders, and time spent in the justice system. Their approach addresses both the systemic drivers of homelessness and the individual factors that can reinforce it, and their foundational belief is in the restorative powers of human connection and dignity. It’s with this lens that the mission goal of ending homelessness by treating the whole person emerged. Helping upwards of 15,000 individuals every year, they offer services that range from housing, healthcare and recovery to employment assistance and other culturally specific support.



CCC Cedar Commons


Sharing this vision of ending homelessness by creating connected communities where all our neighbors have access to housing, health, and economic opportunities, we have collaborated with CCC on many projects since 2016’s Cedar Commons. Like many of the other projects done in collaboration with Central City Concern, Cedar Commons is a mixed-use affordable housing complex dedicated to building community and offering compassionate support to those struggling with addiction, lack of housing, or mental health issues, helping them become self-sufficient and productive. It was also the start of a years-long collaborative relationship.



Amanda Lunger’s “You Down With CCC” rap video


Reflecting upon the long working relationship between Ankrom Moisan and Central City Concern, Mariah Kiersey, Co-Leader of the Office / Retail / Community Studio, shared that “from the Blackburn Center to 1616 Burnside and Meridian Gardens, we have been collaborative with CCC to provide the spaces to treat the whole person for years. This fundraiser was another fun way for us to help spread the word of all that CCC does within Old Town and across Portland.” She finished, hoping, “we look forward to future collaborations in fundraising, volunteering, donations, and of course, amazing design work together!”


Jenna Mogstad, a designer who has worked on many of Ankrom Moisan’s collaborations with Central City Concern, noted how AM’s relationship with CCC “began with the Blackburn Center and has only grown stronger.”



CCC Blackburn


“CCC and Ankrom Moisan have always had a similar mission to create homes for those who need them most,” Jenna said. “Every project has provided new insight and lessons learned into what is going to be best for future residents, which has only made our process more efficient and fun. They’re much more than a client to us – they’re a partner. We know the work they do is invaluable, and we want to do as much as we can to continue to support that mission and make an impact within our community. Whether that means volunteering our time after-hours or taking extra steps to provide a unique or meaningful project, Central City Concern have always allowed us to participate in their efforts to make a difference. This includes hosting events like jAM, where we can truly make fundraising fun!”


Features in Give!Guide, Willamette Week’s yearly collection of local nonprofits, charities, and fundraisers for Portlanders to donate to, CCC plugged their goal of raising $100,000 while speaking highly of us and our longstanding relationship, saying “everyone deserves to feel safe and proud of where they live, and Ankrom Moisan has been invaluable in helping CCC accomplish this goal – creating spaces designed for a lifetime of growth, with “home” as their guiding principle. We’re thrilled to partner with Ankrom Moisan for this year’s Give!Guide campaign.”


The jAM



Promotional poster for the jAM fundraising concert


Combining Ankrom Moisan’s cherished “pickathon” showcase of AM’s staff musicians with our yearly fundraiser for the first time, 2024’s jAM event was a rocking, rolling success. Partnering with Portland-based nonprofit Central City Concern (CCC) to support their mission of providing affordable, supportive housing to those who need it, about 100 individuals from Ankrom Moisan, CCC, and elsewhere danced and sang along to live music performed by two of Ankrom Moisan’s very own house bands, raising money while having fun and enjoying some delicious food and drink in Southeast Portland’s Hoku event space.


Ryan Miyahira, Co-Director of the Senior Communities Studio, member of both The Old Town Specials and The Hip Replacements, and a key organizer of jAM said about the event, “it’s really exciting we got two companies that have worked together on some of these really great, innovative projects to support the homeless and people in need.”



The Old Town Specials playing “Feelin’ Alright?” by Joe Cocker


The festivities were kicked off on Friday, November 15th by The Old Town Specials, featuring Stephanie Baker on vocals, George Signori, Juan Conci, Ryan Miyahira, and Adam York on guitars, Don Sowieja on bass, and Justin Johnson on drums. They played a high-energy set to a crowd of dancing Ankrom Moisan-ers before Maya Edelstein, Interim Director of Development for Central City Concern came out on stage to give a word about how our work building affordable, supportive housing for those in need has been integral to supporting CCC’s mission.


“Ankrom Moisan has been a critical partner in Central City Concern’s efforts, collaborating on innovative projects like Cedar Commons and the Blackburn Center, but our work together doesn’t end there,” Maya shared. “Like CCC, Ankrom Moisan understands the importance of a place to call home, and they embody this value by showing up for the organization and our clients at every turn. Given that Ankrom Moisan is made up of remarkably creative people, it didn’t surprise us that they found a way to support our Give!Guide campaign with the jAM fundraiser. By putting their talents on display, Ankrom Moisan’s staff created a fun, warm-hearted environment to encourage giving. We’re so grateful for everyone’s efforts in making the fundraiser a success.”


Featuring the talents of Ryan and Lara Miyahira, Justin Johnson, Pete Abrams, Grant Gascon, and John Chase, The Hip Replacements took to the stage to close out the night, playing funky, energetic covers of Prince and Gloria Gaynor, among other saxophone-infused toe-tappers.


At the jAM event along, we were able to raise $2,700 in donations for Central City Concern, just over 2.5% of their total goal for the Give!Guide fundraiser. To help CCC reach their goal of providing services that support struggling individuals throughout Portland, donations can be made through Willamette Week’s Give!Guide, here, until December 31st, 2024, or directly to Central City Concern, here.



Shining a Spotlight on Residential Conversions and Adaptive Reuse

2030 Commitment: Five Strategies for Reaching Net Zero

We’re proud to be one of 2% of architecture firms in the U.S. that have signed onto the The American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2030 Commitment. We believe that making a public commitment to reach net zero emissions for all new buildings and major renovations by 2030 is a necessary step towards curbing climate change and creating a more resilient built environment.


Since we joined the commitment in 2015, we have reported on over 20.6 million sq. ft. of buildings! With 2030 fast approaching, we are sharing the actions we’re taking to help us live up to the pledge.

AM Trivia Night 2024

Following the success of 2024’s annual trivia night fundraiser, Ankrom Moisan’s San Francisco office got together to create this video thanking our sponsors.

2024 Do Good Be Well Scholarship Winner - Let's Get Cleaning!

Watch previous DGBW winner Amanda Lunger announce the 2024 Do Good Be Well Scholarship winner, Stephanie Baker, and their proposal, titled “Let’s Get Cleaning!”

AM's Seattle Office Volunteers at Food Lifeline

This summer Nandita Kamath, Gemma Mechure, Annabelle Nikolov, Omar Torres-Rivera, Joe Tucker, and Melinda Poeppel from AM’s Seattle office, joined a volunteer effort with Food LifeLine repacking huge bulk food packages. The AM crew and others helped repack 2,000 lbs of dried lentils into 2 lb packages for families.


“We’ve been told that AM Trivia Night is THE industry event of the year. And we can’t help but agree—between the killer pub trivia, dance offs, costume contests, and goofy videos—it’s a night you don’t want to miss. Mostly because it feels more like a lively night out with good friends than a fundraiser.

But it is, in fact a fundraiser.”

Read the blogs below to learn more about AM’s enduring partnership with Food LifeLine, making positive community impacts since 2009!

2023 Seattle High School Site Tour

A group of students from an architecture class at a local high school visited one of our under-construction projects in Seattle to learn more about the industry directly from professionals in the field.


AM architects Justin Hunt and David Kelley, along with Andersen Construction, helped lead the site tour.


📍 Cascara | 9-stories, 345 units

2023 ACE Mentor Program with Stephanie Hollar, Architect

Testing out the world of architecture.


AM architect Stephanie Hollar recently hosted a group of high-school students in our Portland office and their enthusiasm was contagious.


Stephanie is a volunteer with the ACE Mentor Program, an after-school program that allows high school students to explore careers in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry.


Stephanie’s ACE group, which includes about 10 students guided by several industry professionals, is halfway through a 5 month project that has them designing a hypothetical ferry terminal along the Portland riverfront.


Stephanie is hoping her involvement in the program will encourage more young women to join the traditionally male-dominated architecture industry. Research she conducted last year alongside two other female colleagues pointed to the importance of female mentors supporting women in the industry.


In case you missed it, you can read more about that research here.

Women Rising Panel at Ankrom Moisan

March 2023 Ankrom Moisan hosted the first “Women Rising” panel, bringing together women in leadership roles to share their unique perspectives and to examine the impact of female leaders.


This event was hosted by Bethanne Mikkelsen, Managing Principal, at AM’s PDX office, and featured Leah Weary Brown, Jennifer Streb, Kira Cador, Han-Mei Chiang, and Lauren Holmes.

Five incredible female leaders from across the AEC industry joined us in the Ankrom Moisan Portland office for an inspiring panel discussion on what it means to be a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field.


They examine the impact of female leadership, share a few of the challenges they’ve faced along the way and offer many words of wisdom.


Thank you to our panelists:

Jennifer Streb from Samata Engineering

Han-Mei Chiang from Hoffman

Kira Cador from Rembold

Lauren Holmes from Lewis Builds

Leah Wheary Brown from Ankrom Moisan.

Where are the Women? (1 of 2)

March 8, 2023

The Do GOOD / Be WELL scholarship encourages Ankrom Moisan employees to research an open-ended topic of their choosing to discover and share the practical results of their findings with the firm, industry, and community at large. The scholarship, started in 2017, is sponsored in memory of former AM employee Carolyn Forsyth, an inspirational leader and unyielding force for change. Intended to honor her legacy of sustainability, equity, innovation, advocacy, education, and leadership, the DGBW scholarship elevates and empowers new and inspiring ideas within Ankrom Moisan and the broader field of architecture, pushing us all, as the name implies, to do good and be well.


For their research scholarship, Amanda Lunger, Elisa Zenk, and Stephanie Hollar ventured to ask: Where are the Women?



Amanda Lunger, Elisa Zenk, and Stephanie Hollar atop Ankrom Moisan's Portland office.


Amanda, Elisa, and Stephanie atop Ankrom Moisan’s Portland office.



The idea came to them naturally. During the firm’s 2020 Women’s Day celebration, Elisa noticed that some of the AM statistics shared didn’t seem to tell the whole story. “The women in architecture numbers were getting buried in the celebration of the fact that our office had this large percentage of women,” Elisa explained, “but when we looked into it, most of that percentage was made up of women in the interiors department and various overhead positions.” The real number of women in architecture was not as equitable as it could be. “I think I already knew this intuitively, that women are underrepresented in design roles,” Amanda disclosed, but “once we actually looked at those numbers, that was kind of shocking to me.” Stepping back to all architecture roles, not just design, women only make up 37% of architecture staff nationwide, according to AIA industry data collected in 2019. Amanda, Elisa, and Stephanie all knew that there should be more women in the industry and began to question why that was not the case. They were also interested in solving that problem at our firm, pushing AMA beyond industry trends.


After Amanda, Elisa, and Stephanie discussed this observation, they agreed that they had seen too many brilliant women, presumably on track for leadership, leave the field. “We were talking about these women who were really rockstars in the architecture department who were leaving,” recalled Amanda. “We were speculating as to why the industry seemed to have that problem.” Whatever the cause, it was clear that some women were dissatisfied with their experiences in architecture.


Stephanie recognized that the issue of women in architecture leaving Ankrom Moisan for other opportunities was one that needed a deeper investigation. It was also a problem that affected her directly. “The women who we saw leaving at that time were older than me and in architecture, but then they left. I saw them as people that I was looking up to [that] were mentors and having them leave really created a gap of future women architecture leaders,” she remarked. “It makes you kind of question your own career sometimes. Like if all these other women are leaving, it’s like, OK, what am I doing here? Like what are they finding elsewhere?”


In fields traditionally dominated by men, like architecture, same-sex mentors are paramount to the success of early career women. Female designers are more likely to aspire to career advancement if they see someone like them at the top. This role-modeling is critical for the retention and professional growth of our talented female architects.


The consequences of the lack of female representation in architecture was further emphasized by Amanda, “Being a woman in architecture, I’ve run into a lot of experiences in dealing with colleagues where I felt very misunderstood and kind of lonely as being a gender minority or marginalized gender in this industry. I’ve had personal experiences sitting in a meeting with consultants and some of my project team members, who are all men. At the beginning of the meeting, they’re all talking about working on their cars, or fishing, like these shared hobbies that they have. I had a hard time finding common ground. It was hard to know where to start [building rapport] in some of those cases. I felt like I got overlooked a lot of the time.” Elisa felt similarly, noting how being the only woman in the room “makes it hard to have a voice or feel comfortable having a voice. There’s not always room at the table, even if you’re sitting there.” Elaborating on this idea, Amanda reflected, “I feel like I was always looking for a woman who had been in that position before and could give me advice like how to cope and how to get through it. But those mentors just weren’t there.”


The exodus of women from established architecture firms becomes even more lamentable once one recognizes that the leadership positions and characteristics women tend to embrace are critical for the future success of the firm; roles and traits such as “inspiration, participative decision-making, setting expectations and rewards, people development, and role modeling” (McKinsey, 2018). Simply put, a workplace with more women is a workplace with more creativity, productivity, and profitability (MIT News, 2014). The lack of women in architecture is intrinsically detrimental to everyone in the industry.



Stephanie, Amanda, and Elisa working together on their DGBW Project.


The healthcare team working together in the Seattle office.



Amanda, Elisa, and Stephanie’s interest in what happened to these women came at the right time. It was about a week before applications for the Do GOOD / Be WELL scholarships were due, and after their initial conversation, Amanda thought, “maybe we should turn this into a research project, that way we have time set aside to really look at it. I mean, nobody else was doing this research, so it kind of felt like, well, if we don’t do it, who’s going to?” The group quickly put together an application and submitted it before the April 2nd deadline, a date shared with Carolyn Forsyth’s birthday.


Many of the data points collected during the project’s research were gathered from conversations with women architects about their professional experiences, career goals, the tools that helped them succeed, and what they thought firms could do better to support their growth. Additional observations came from personal experience, while other statistics were sourced from the AIA. The bulk of Amanda, Elisa, and Stephanie’s AMA-specific statistics originated from a firm-wide survey they conducted, which gathered responses from 158 participants, both male and female.



Graph illustrating the project's interview process.

Graph illustrating the research project's survey process.


Graphs illustrating the research project’s interview and survey process.



Stephanie disclosed that the study they conducted was designed to provide “specific points that we could apply here at Ankrom to help [combat the disappearance of women from architecture].” The idea was that by identifying the roadblocks that women face when advancing in their careers, they will be able to more confidently advocate for themselves and the resources they need to grow as professionals. The research is an important first step in Ankrom Moisan’s journey to bringing gender parity to the architecture department and increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the firm overall.



Read part two, here, to learn more about what the research uncovered.



Black and white headshot of Jack Cochran, the author of this blog post.


By Jack Cochran, Marketing Coordinator


AM has a few Employee Resource Groups that are made up of and serve the employees at the firm. As voluntary, employee-led groups whose aim is to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace aligned with the firm, these groups rally around key firm values:


Lead with our heart. Share openly. Embrace Change. Have fun with it. Be yourself. Trust.